The only place where succes comes before work is in the dictionary.
-Vidal Sassoon

Market analysis part three: using Google Trends

The problem with the information provided by Global Market Finder is that it is based on an average over 12 months. I want to know if the size of my audience is stable for the whole year or if it fluctuates throughout the year. This is possible with another tool of Google's: Google Trends. Google Trends is an online search tool that allows you to see how often a specific word or phrase has been used on Google search over a period of time. The keyword will be displayed on a graph as shown below.

Graph 1: example Google Trends


The graph displays horizontally the period and vertically how popular the keyword is. By analyzing the graphics you can learn, for example, if the popularity of a keyword is bound to, for example, a season, event or economic welfare. This will give you a better understanding of your audience.

Graph 2: fishing gear 2005 till 2015

fishing gear 2004-2015

Graph 2 shows how popular the keywords “fishing gear” are. As you can see on the graph, from 2005 until 2015 it only fluctuated on the top, meaning that this product is not bound to a season. Let’s take one specific year, the year 2014.

Graph 3: fishing gear 2014

fishing gear 2014

In Graph 3 you can see the whole year for the keywords “fishing gear”. You can see that you have two peaks in the year: July-August and December. The reason may have to do with holidays. In those months I could invest in advertisements targeting those who are going on vacation.

Graph 4: fishing gear vs recreational fishing

fishing gear vs fishing recreational

You can also compare keywords with each other, as Graph 4 illustrates. Blue is the keywords “fishing gear” and red the keywords “recreational fishing (sport)”. It is clear from the graphs that these two keywords have a connection with each other, with the exception of the month of December. This confirms the fact that my target “people who fish as a means of recreation” are interested in buying fishing gear.

You can learn more about Google Trends at google support. Also there is a short introduction video tutorial about this subject. If you want to go deeper into this topic there is a one-hour video tutorial at for $29.95.

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